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W3E | Physiotherapy
Date : Wednesday, 24 April 2024
Start Time : 10:45
End Time : 12:15
Location : Hall E

10:45 - 10:55 | Welcome Speech By The Executive Secretary Of Physical Therapy
Zafarnejad, Monir BSc, PT
10:55 - 11:05 | Welcome Speech By The Scientific Secretary Of The Congress
Dr. Alizadeh Ghavidel, Alireza
11:05 - 11:15 | Welcome Speech By The Scientific Secretary Of Physical Therapy
Dr. Saba, Maryam PhD, PT
11:15 - 11:25 | Welcome Speech By The President Of The Iranian Physiotherapy Association
Dr. Abdollahi, Iraj PhD, PT
11:25 - 11:40 | Welcome Speech By The Secretary Of The Physiotherapy Board & Case Presentation
Dr. Ebrahimi Takamjani, Esmail PhD. PT
11:40 - 12:00 | Cardiac Rehabilitation In The Elderly
Dr. Attarbashi Moghaddam, Behrouz PhD, PT Movie : No Access